Categories: Tests
Categories: Journals
This site designed and maintained by Dr Glenn Fulcher.
Since 1995 the purpose of the Language Testing Resources web site has always been to act as a reference guide to language testing related resources on the Internet by providing a history of, and links to, language testing related information, including publications that are freely available on other domains. However, it's purpose has broadened over the years. Now, resources on language testing, such as articles, features, videos and audio, are made freely available for language teachers, language testers, and students of language testing, applied linguistics, and languages. Teachers of language testing are encouraged use the resources on this site in their own courses, but are requested to establish links to this site and not copy materials onto other domains.
Categories: Useful Links
Categories: Journals
Categories: Journals
Categories: Journals
This web site is for people studying for an English language exam.These pages contain free online practice tests for the most important international ESL/EFL exams: IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, and the Cambridge ESOL exams such as CPE, CAE, FCE, and PET. You can also find out information about the different exams.
Categories: Tests
The guideline that can be downloaded from HERE can help you summarize and review a paper critically. This can be of use to all researchers who might be involved with reviewing an acaedemic paper and may not know how to manage it in a comprehensive manner. The guideline begins with some advice on how to read the articles and what elements to focus on. Then, a tentative format is presented that can be used by reviewers.
Categories: Articles
May 4, 2010: Malaysia
The 7th international conference is an extension of the previous six conferences which were successfully organised – two at national level and four at international level. The previous conference, LSP 2008 attracted about 100 papers from Malaysia and all over the world with presenters from 20 different countries. LSP 2010 hopes to bring together language practitioners from the industry, institutions of higher learning, and all other institutions to share both their knowledge and skills to enhance human capital development through good language practices and effective communication skills.
Categories: Conferences
Free Access from April 1 – May 15, 2010
SAGE Reference is currently offering free access to its award-winning content on SAGE Reference Online.
The SAGE Reference Online platform now hosts more than 160 authoritative, interdisciplinary handbooks and encyclopedias across the social sciences.
Click HERE to register for your free access.
Categories: Useful Links
The Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus: May 5, 2010
The organizing committee of the 3rd International ELT conference "Telling ELT Tales out of School" would like to invite practicing teachers, teacher educators and teacher researchers to share their tales about learners, learning, teachers, teaching, and innovative practices in their contexts.
Maximizing Learning:
-Learner-centered Instruction
-Learning Process
-Learning Outcomes
-Individual Learner Differences
-Learner Autonomy/Independence
-Learner Language/Interlanguage
-Learner strategies
Empowering Teachers:
-Teaching Strategies
-Teacher Training
-Professional Development
-Teacher Talk
-Teacher Motivation
Exploiting Resources:
-Curriculum/Syllabus Design
-ELT Management
-Information and Communication
-Technology (ICT)
-Common European Framework
-Corpora in Language Education
Fostering Cultural Awareness:
-English and Englishes
-English as a Lingua Franca
-Cross-cultural Awareness
-Critical Thinking Skills
-Multiple Literacies
Categories: Conferences
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